Chapter 528 Gretchen's Sugar Daddy(Incest/Taboo Sex):>Ep2
- Gretchen couldn't believe her ears. Her father was a salesman for a big paper company. He and her mother lived a reasonably comfortable, yet fairly modest, existence in the suburbs with Gretchen's three younger siblings. There had never been any sign of the kind of money this club seemed to be raking in. She decided it was time to do some more detective work. She spent the night with the client she'd escorted that evening and was awarded with a generous tip after a fuck marathon that resulted in very little sleep for either one of them.
- She then spent a week fucking various people to get hold of as much paperwork about her dad as she could. It turned out that he did indeed work for the paper company, but he also owned a company, whose only asset seemed to be 100% of the shares in another company that never paid out dividends. The other company on the other hand co-owned several strip clubs, an apartment downtown, a house in the Caribbean and a couple of luxury cars. Gretchen discovered that her dad paid someone to do the paper selling for him, while he spent those 3 days every week when he was supposed to be travelling to clients in his apartment, managing his strip clubs. He had everything that Gretchen aspired towards and now she knew exactly how to get it.
- The next weekend she decided to make one of her rare appearances at home. Her parents didn't know that she'd been fired from her old job and she wasn't intending to tell them as they'd want explanations.